“I think Paul had it right when he said ‘Let it be’ ”

IMAG0110The Spring is a great time to get outside and enjoy the weather (even if it is changing from 80 to 50 and then back to 80 every other day). With the beautiful weather, there are a lot of events that plan on putting this time to good use. One thing that I enjoyed this past weekend was the Deep Ellum Music Festival. This was amazing, I just wish I had been able to enjoy more of it, and not just the final 3 hours of the event that I was able to catch once I finally got off work.

This festival was a “three-day, free-to-attend outdoor ‘street party,’” which featured artists, photographers, musicians and street performers. From beaded necklaces handmade from wood, to hemp satchels,  a wide variety of art and were available interspersed between the 5 music stages set up down the multiple blocks of Deep Ellum. There were music of all kinds as well. Southern rock, jazz, acoustic, as well as hip hop were all present.

IMAG0112I’m extremely disappointed I missed the Pet Parade (a “tail-wagging promenade down Main Street”), but I was fortunate enough to catch the street performers the Circus Freaks. I was able to sit back and chill to former American Idol semi-finalist Tim Halperin perform some of his original works that are on his upcoming album. I got the title for this blog in some of the lyrics he sang. I also really enjoyed listening to  Grades Of Absolute Truth (G.O.A.T), and his collaborations with JackRabbit James and Elle.

IMAG0113While I was wondering around, and stumbled across the stage where G.O.A.T. was performing, I was pulled into an abstract drawing where I was actually made into a model. Yes, a model. I don’t know if I was the right person for the job, but I don’t believe the picture actually looks like me, so I can always deny it (IMAG0114I’ve been told it looks more like George W. Bush,with a mustache).You can make up your own mind looking at the image on the below on the right, but I thought it was a really cool experience. And, since I was going to be in the area listening to the music, I figured I could stick around and be a muse. It’s not a regular occurance, for me at least, to be a participant in some street art, so I thought I could watch. The rest of the drawing is very abstract, and as the artist ( I never really caught his name) was describing it to me afterwards, he wanted to use “free-flowing images to take aspects of the gorgeous day with the sun and sky to surround the profile of my face.” Whatever this means, I like it, even if it doesn’t actually look like me (I did end up getting to keep the drawing too). Who knows what I am going to do with it.

Other times when I was was walking around taking a look at all the stalls, I was able to relax, sit in the shade, and enjoy one of my favorite past-times: people- watching. And boy was this the place to people watch. Dog-friendly, family-friendly and, best of all, very hippie-friendly.  I loved every bit of it. This kind of scene is something that I really enjoy. I’ve enjoyed it in Austin, Texas, and Eugene, Oregon. I never thought this kind of environment would appear in Dallas. I’m glad I got to experience it though, and I will be looking forward to the festival next year.

There is currently another festival going on in Dallas right now, and I will be checking it out for sure. It is the Dallas International Film Festival. It started on the 31st of March, and goes until April 10th. There were over 6,000 films submitted, of which 812 were selected, from 49 countries. Each film is only $10 ($8 if you’re a student), and they are spread out at theaters all over the Dallas area. Hopefully I can get out of work early enough to check out some of them.  I also heard about the Homegrown Music and Arts Festival. It’s local Dallas music, and tickets range between $10 and $20. I know there are a few more in the near future that I’m going to try and check out, but I’ll figure that out when it get’s closer.

And once again, I still need help voting for my video for the Isla Palenque Island Internship.  The voting for my internship began last week, and if you follow the link below, you will be able to find where you can vote and really help me out. If you have been following me at all, you already know what this is for. But if you haven’t, here is a brief synopsis: I am applying for an internship with a resort based in Panama, named Isla Palenque. I will be blogging, Facebook-ing, Tweeting, along with any other form of social media you can think of for them about excursions, exploration, etc. on their little island.  It’s a pretty sweet set up, but I stand a better chance of advancing to the interview portion if I get some help from everyone. You can only vote once from your computer (it logs your internet IP address and will not allow anymore votes from that IP address), but you can vote from your smart phone as well. Also, I can get more votes if you share it with everyone you know. I really, really appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

Vote Here:


(Click the little thumb below my name and above the video to cast your vote).




And, here is my video, just in case you want to share that as well. Thanks again.

About collinp3

I live in Dallas. I work all the time. I love sports and would love to be able to be involved with sports and travel when I grow up. Sooner or later, who knows when that will be. Until then, I will enjoy life.
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