Sleep? Who needs sleep?

Sooooo, the combination of 1) being out of town (YAY! I got to see my parents), 2) being a little under the weather and 3) being extremely busy (training for a new job, being out of town, and still working all the other jobs) has given me about 2 weeks with very little “me” time to go out and explore Dallas.

I figured I could get away with the list last week, and worry about posting a new, exciting thing to do this week. Well, obviously that didn’t work out.

There were “in bed by 10, up by 6” days for about a week straight. And then “Oh, lets just get in bed and hope we fall right to sleep so we can sleep for as long as possible” nights, which were about the same as the first nights. And finally, worst of all, there were the “I just got off work and it’s 11, but look at that, I have to be up in 4 hours.” Those just kill the entire day, especially when you “catch up” on missed sleep on a plane.

I’m convinced that sleeping on a plane doesn’t count as real sleep. It’s all a dream. Crammed between two people, who both want their arm rests, and forced to lean back maybe 10 degrees from the normal upright sitting position just doesn’t count.

Lack of sleep may have been the cause for the little cough I had, but it definitely accounted for the fatigue that built up over the week.

Anyways, since I haven’t really been able to explore anything new, I just wanted to post that there is nothing new here.

Have a great Earth Day!

About collinp3

I live in Dallas. I work all the time. I love sports and would love to be able to be involved with sports and travel when I grow up. Sooner or later, who knows when that will be. Until then, I will enjoy life.
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